Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August To-Do List

This is my list of things I woudl like to get done around the house by the last weekend in August. Tune in then to see how successful I am!! Yes, there are subheads--I'm a lawyer, I can't help it...

A. Hallway/Stairs:
1. Select Paint color for hallway and stairwell--right now is down to 4 favorites: Sepia Tan, Fennel Seed, Boardwalk Brown, and

2. Spackle around banister--because I pulled the old paint off by accident when I left masking tape up for approximately 6 months

3. Paint hallway and stairwell--that's the point of spackling and selecting a paint color!

B. Mudroom (see previous post!)
1. Cut and install risers in mudroom stairs--we already measured and bought the boards. I think this will make the room look a lot neater

2. Prime mudroom stairs with oil-based primer--because they are nekked wood!

3. Finish mudding and sanding drywall in mudroom--because right now there are still nail holes

4. Prime mudroom with special drywall primer--so the drywall doesn't soak up whatever paint we decide to apply

5. Install moulding/shelf in mudroom--to hide wierd place where drywall changes to cement block

6. Paint mudroom ceiling--because right now its brown drywall with white drywall tape accross it

7. Either make or buy a ceiling fixture for mudroom--because bare bulb is not flattering

C. Furniture: (see previous post!)
1. Reupholster and paint pink chairs--probably shiny black paint, or possibly olive green

2. Reupholster and paint stool--I think I will paint it gray and add this Amy Butler Fabric

3. Revitalize old Fruit Growers table--and by revitalize I mean stablize!

D. Misc.:
1. Put pictures up on the walls--because we sure can't see them in the boxes

2. Locate and destroy poison ivy in backyard--nuff said

3. Make upholstered display for brooches--need to decide on color scheme and then I'm ready!

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