Thursday, October 13, 2011

If I had a million dollars...

I would buy you a nice reliant automobile, or a monkey. AND THESE things for me...

Kate Spade Trench

White House Black Market shoes and bag

Anthropologie Skirt

Anthropologie cloche hat

Anthropologie dress

1. Rachel Roy Teal Booties 2. Knit Heeled MukLuks


  1. So I was poking around on your blog, and first, I would like to say that if you ever have a meellion dollars, to definitely buy the Kate Spade trench. OMG SO CUTE!!!

    Also, and more importantly, I totally did not know that you have a private art show coming up next year!!! *dolphin squeal* How exciting!! When and where is it? I need things to look forward to that don't involve childbirth, because that is pretty much the only place my brain is choosing to go these days. ;)

  2. Good morning chica, I miss you! If I had a million dollars, I would totally buy you a monkey, or that lovely kate spade trench. You could probably find a knock off of the anthropologie hat at target!
