Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meet Mack

a.k.a. "Mack Attack," "Mack Man," "Macster," "Big Mack," "Little Mack," "Mackadoo," ... you get the picture...

He's the brand new addition to our family! We adopted him from Henrico Humane Society last weekend after fostering him for a couple of weeks to make sure he got along with Lolly.

We know a little more about him than we did about Lolly when we got her from Nicholas County Animal Shelter in West Virginia. Here's Mack's story:

Mack is from Scott County, Virginia. He was one of 10 doggies confiscated by the local pound from an animal hoarder. He was taken to the Scott County animal shelter, which soon afterward decided to renovate. Since it was a kill shelter, they were going to just euthanize all the dogs before the renovation.

Luckily for Mack, Henrico Humane stepped in, and one of their fosters, Lori, took in Mack and 2 of his buddies. They named him MacDougal, but we shortened it since he is such a little guy! He loved playing with the goats and horses at Lori's but she decided to foster him out so he could get socialized with people and overcome his shyness.

Unfortunately his foster family lost him when his leash broke, and he was running alone all over Interstate 64 in the Richmond area for several days! The rescue community rallied and they were able to catch him and bring him home just before new years. He went back to Lori's, and then we met him and fell in love.

He is a super sweet little boy who loves to cuddle and lets his big sister bully him with good humor. We are working on teaching him his name, wearing a leash, and just getting him used to human contact! We learned last night that he has a heart murmur, so wish us luck when he gets his heart imaged soon. Keep your fingers crossed that it is manageable.


  1. Awwww SOOO CUTE!!! Hope his heart is ok! i can't wait to meet him - we need to schedule a weekend to come visit :)

  2. What an adorable doggie! Y'all are so sweet for taking him in. I hope everything turns out ok with his heart murmur. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment on our kitchen redo - good luck if you decide to put in can lights. I'll have Mr. Heard help me reply to your email with more detail on how we did it!

  3. Mack looks like a sweetheart. Funny, he actually looks very similar to my rescue lab Stella (at least in the face), who we got from BARK! Ironically enough I have her in my Blogger as well. http://puppieslabrador.blogspot.com/
