This is the lovely new range that replaced our 25 year-old bisque one. Our old oven didn't really broil as much as set off all the smoke detectors in the house, and it had old electric heating elements that were a real pain to keep clean. I am SOOOO looking forward to this spill-proof ceramic top. It also has a warming burner and a quick boil burner.
Here is our new dishwasher!!!! I think it looks kind of like a spaceship. It actually cleans the dishes, is quiet, and has its own built-in disposal. Did I mention it is shiny?
So we have installed the dishwasher and oven/range, but everything else is the same right now. I like to say our appliances look like the Jetsons and the rest of the kitchen still looks like the Brady Bunch. :-)
And here is the BEAUTIFUL new granite countertops we have ordered! They called to say they have started fabricating it, but we don't know yet when it will come in. I am personally quite excited about doing the demo on our old counters which are stained and also "bisque."
Once we get the new countertop installed, then I am going to take a long hard look at our cabinets and decide whether they just need new handles, or whether I want to paint them a clean and glossy white. We are for SURE getting new pulls though, as the ones we have are HIDEOUS. *shudder* I have already started taking the old ones off, and I like the cabinets much more already.
More kitchen updates as they come!
I love the granite countertop! Good luck finishing the project!!