Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Foot Stool Makeover Part 2

I picked out two fabrics for my footstool, and depending on what fabric I go with, I will buy a different color of spray paint for the base. What do you think?

Option A is Bazaar from Hancock Fabrics in Ebony:
which I picked out because I really like these:

Seraphina Collection by Pottery Barn, and
This gorgeous banquette featured in House Beautiful which is upholstered in Animal Farm Crewel by Brunschwig & Fils.

Option B is Lock by Calico Corners in Splash:which I picked because I like these:
Neiman Marcus Cane Garden Stool
So which one do you like better? I bought one yard of each, so whichever one I don't use on the foot stool I will have to find another use for.


  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  2. I vote for A (which is crazy for me, because I am much more of a geometric shape person)- I like the animal pattern!

  3. I vote B! B! B! (that's 3 votes. i win.)

  4. I also vote B because A looks a little too kiddie and will cause me to start rumors that you are pregnant. Unless you are already pregnant, in which case, go for A. hehe starting the rumors already...
